Wednesday, March 7, 2007

minnesota twin overtime debacle

honestly, watching the lakers hurts.

can you be any more mentally retarded than the bunch out there tonight. can you GET the ball in bounds without turning it over? How about knowing how to count to 1 (because thats HOW much damn time is left on the shot clock)?

Kobe, goddamn you scream show some FIRE. im not on the team and im jumping on the couch ALA tom cruise style. I mean what is with the body language with the lakers? Looks like you all lost your mom and your dad yesterday and your dog was run over by a car this morning. WHAT THE HELL IS UP? can you not see the standings, yes you can crawl into the playoffs and get WTFBBQPWNED but what the hells the point? MIGHT as well not make it at all.

Someone buy me courtside seats soon, im ready to shit all over these guys faces. HOLD ME BACK.

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